As They Say: Real Recognize Real

Yo Masqueraders of the mundane! Guess who’s back? Profit, with the mic hotter than a dragons breath. So I want to talk about the one thing I see less and less every single day. I’m talking about realness, authenticity, people who are secure in their own fucked up skin!!
I’m talkin’ to the unedited, unscripted, glorious messes that refuse to conform. Yes, I’m talkin’ about the revolutionaries of realness, those fighting the war against the tyranny of “should-be’s” while liberating their authentic selves.
Because let’s face it, hiding behind a facade is like wearing a costume that’s two sizes too small — it pinches, it chafes, and eventually, you just gotta rip the seams and let the real you breathe.
Those right there, those are my people! The unfiltered few, the ones laughing like a hyena on helium and dancing like ain’t nobody watchin’ (because, let’s be real, nobody usually is). Everyone else lost in their borrowed costumes and rented masks.
But you, my fucked up friend, you’re the one struttin’ in your birthday suit, covered in glitter and radiating more genuinely than a fresh-brewed cup of honesty. Stumbling, trippin over your own shoelaces, laughing through it all, beaming the real you — a symphony of that messy brilliance that makes the rest of the room look like extras in a rerun of “Fake Faces and Plastic Smiles”.
Now, fear might whisper like a dusty troll in your ear, hissing, “Don’t be weird,” and, “Nobody wants the unfiltered you.” But guess what? Fear’s a lying sack of horseshit, baby! For the rest of you, here is how you unleash your inner truth TNT and paint the world with your vibrant, unwatered down self:
Image courtesy of author
1.Befriend the Mirror Monster: Stop flinching when you catch your reflection. Learn to love the laugh lines etched by genuine laugh attacks, the freckles sprinkled like constellations on your nose, the eyes that sparkle with stories yet untold. You’re beautiful in the broken places, the scars, the stretch marks — they’re trophies of your battles won, stories woven into your skin.
2. Uncage the Inner Weirdo: Remember that time you sang karaoke in a supermarket banana suit? Embrace that! Own your quirks, celebrate your weirdness. The world needs more polka-dotted penguins and yodeling grandmas, more belly laughs that scare cats and dance moves that would make a jellyfish jealous. Let your freak flag fly, let your inner weirdo out for a solo, and watch the world fall in love with your cacophony of weirdness.
3. Ditch the Comparison Trap: Stop scrolling through social media, comparing your messy bun to someone else’s perfect hair thing. You ain’t a Chia Pet, meant to sprout the same generic sunflower as everyone else. Embrace your cactus vibes, your dandelion fluff, your untamed jungle of individuality.
4. Find Your Wild Ones: Ditch the posers and the pretenders. Seek out the kindred spirits, the ones who clap at your off-key singing and high-five your awkward jokes. Find your folks, those who appreciate the unfiltered you, the ones who make you feel like you can wear a tutu to a black-tie event and still be the best-dressed person in the room.
5. Vulnerability is Your Superpower: Don’t hide your tears, your fears, your vulnerabilities. They’re not flaws, they’re brushstrokes on the canvas of your soul. Sharing your truth is like opening a window in your heart, letting light in and inviting others to peek inside. It’s the bridge that connects you to others, the foundation for real, deep, messy connections.
Remember, Profit’s people aren’t about facades and filters. They’re about shining brighter than a supernova, no matter who’s watching. They’re about being the best version of themselves, quirks and all, because they know that genuine connection comes from authenticity, not airbrushing.
So go forth, you magnificent mess, and paint the world with your vibrant, unfiltered self. Remember, Profit’s always got your back, one glitter-bomb of encouragement at a time. Peace out, and keep it real (and always weird)!