6 Common Challenges You Face When You Start Working Out!


- Intimidation.
You see those around you in shape, muscle bound and full of confidence. You fear being judged at your lack of results. Don’t let that stop you, everyone started somewhere and that somewhere was probably a lot similar to yours. We respect someone for taking the first step and joining the gym, so forget the buff monsters and movie quality chicks all around you and focus on your reasons for being brave and taking the plunge. It will change your life forever if you stay consistent! - Confusion.
It’s like wandering into an alien ship. All around you, there are multiple machines and mechanisms that look more like something out of the future than tools that will assist you in reaching your fitness goals. A lady is sitting down flapping her arms up and down as if attempting to fly while looking angry as she bellows “…3….4…5….”. It’s ok, trust me. A lot of people stop going to the gym for fear of asking for help with machines and free weights to not feel foolish. Gyms have trainers and employess there solely to assist you in figuring out how to work that strange flapping aparatus. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and if it’s in your budget, hire someone even if it’s for the first month, to learn the ins and outs of those machines and help you grasp the ideas and concepts behind eating, training regimens, and all that encompasses your new journey. You will not regret it. - Embarrassment.
No matter how many YouTube videos you watch or exercises you mimic in the gym, eventually, you will perform a movement horribly wrong or some girl smaller than you will lift more weight. Despite what you think, almost every newbie crosses this bridge. Now what separates those statuesque physiques that crowd the gym and the ones that stay away is the fact that following that embarrassing moment, they kept going, kept coming back and didn’t let it phase them. Learn from that miscue, laugh at it yourself and press forward. The rewards are worth that little moment of red cheeks and embarrassment. - Immobilizing Soreness.
Everyone has heard of it, you even expect it, but no one is truly ready for it when it finally strikes. You wake up the following morning and have issues getting out of bed, putting your shoes on and even tying them. How on earth does your chest hurt when you did back?!?! That body crippling soreness and pain is a victory. You entered the gauntlet and came out on top, your badge is that soreness, that pain, so embrace it. You accomplished the first day. None of it matters if you quit now. Yes it will hurt tomorrow, yes it will hurt in 3 weeks, 4 months, 1 year. No, it never goes away but believe me when I say, soon, you will welcome it, you will ask for it and even want and expect it. Your muscles are growing. They are tearing and reconstructing and that very pain is your medal. - Intensity. Knowing How Hard To Go.
Knowing when to stop, push harder or lighten up isn’t always easy when you first start your journey. Going too hard all the time can result in exhaustion or worse, an injury. There’s no real way to go about this other than it takes time. Ease your way into it, don’t be afraid to stop a little early if you feel too tired and can’t go on. With time, you will understand how to judge intensity, how to listen to your body and what works best for you. Again, don’t worry about not knowing and hire someone if you can. You got this. - Self-Doubt.
So you have made it through the first week but maybe you don’t feel or see any results. You’re tired, sore, felt some embarrassment and it was not easy by any means. Is it worth it? How do you stay motivated? This is when most people throw in the towel and make the decision to quit. Those that continue to go, despite all the pain, the hurt, the doubt and all the surrounding issues are the ones you see around you with that “perfect body”. They too at some point thought about quitting, the fact that they did not is what rewarded them with the body they dreamed of. It will teach you discipline, structure, give you confidence and you will respect yourself more and other people will take you more seriously, if you stay consistent. I promise, you will be a healthier, happier, more succesfull person all around. Don’t quit, stay the path and thank me later!